How does online coaching work?
A session lasts about an hour and I follow up all your sessions with a quick summary of action points.
It’s a structured conversation – one with a purpose and where I will ask you the sort of questions necessary to push you through the muddle or fog to a point of better understanding of a situation and to a point of change.
Together we work out what is working for you and what is not, what you can change and what you must accept. And we put a plan together of steps you can take to bring make life feel better.
It’s in confidence. Complete confidence from the start. It doesn’t matter if we know each other outside coaching or not. Everything we discuss stays within our coaching session.
Coaching is about helping you identify then solve your own problems. It’s also about supporting your plan to move forward.
Most people like between 5 and 8 sessions but there are no fixed rules. You may choose to have several full sessions before switching to shorter, maintenance sessions. We can discuss this as we go along.

“Just to confirm, I read these newsletters religiously every time, no matter what else is on! Thank you. You give us all so much to think about.”
A subscriber to The Coach
“Thank you for all your inspiring and wonderful newsletters.”
A Coach subscriber
“Thank you for the enormous change you have made to my life. Almost every day I can see subtle changes to the way I approach things making life far happier, fulfilling and less grumpy. It is all down to you – I have been so lucky to have met you.”
A client
1:1 Coaching
Just you and me, talking in confidence with no restrictions. Well, you’ll be doing most of the talking. My job is to listen without prejudice or judgement then ask you the type of questions that will enable you to identify your next step. It’s not about me telling you what I think you should do. This is all about you. It’s a much more effective way of supporting than just offering advice or saying ‘what we think’. We’ll meet either in person on or online.
*All sessions are invoiced individually and to be paid for in advance. Cancellation within 24 hrs of session/no-show is non-refundable. £100 per full session (approx 1 hr), £50 per maintenance session (approx 30 mins, applicable after several full sessions)
Follow up coaching
A top up session. To keep you on track and to look at issues a bit further down the line.
A lot of clients like to come back a few months after their initial sessions to confirm or revise their progress. There is no time limit as to when we restart the conversation. £100 per full session, £50 for a 30 minute maintenance session.
“The session was really useful in giving me the space to work out some of my own feelings and try to find a way to move forward. It’s hard to do this on your own and there is a limit to how much you can ask your family to get involved. So I thoroughly appreciated the way you challenged me and made me consider things I would normally avoid thinking about. I’m really grateful for your help. You are thoughtful and balanced, non-judgmental and wise.”