Today is the Spring Equinox – the first official day of Spring.  Goodbye snow (please)!  Hello days that are longer than nights and all things positive as we move towards a brighter and cheerier time of year.   So it seems a good day to announce the next few...
Life Coaching – the most rewarding work!

Life Coaching – the most rewarding work!

I saw a client today with whom I have been working regularly since August last year.  We have looked at a wide variety of issues including communication, relationships, confidence, time management, life goals – a great mix.  Today we reached a point where this...
Teen Talk with Alicia Drummond

Teen Talk with Alicia Drummond

Yesterday I attended Alicia Drummond’s Teen Talk Workshop. She was completely spellbinding and I learned so much. Her approach is very much listen to your teenager, ask them don’t tell them – and the elastic theory! She had so much great advice to...
New Year, Same Old Relationship?

New Year, Same Old Relationship?

Apparently, divorce applications peak in the first fortnight of January. Not a very cheering statistic but understandable. So many couples ‘hold it together’ to get through Christmas and then reality hits and the inevitable happens. It’s a very sad add-on to the New...
Group Coaching – the most lovely feedback!

Group Coaching – the most lovely feedback!

A couple of days before Christmas I received an email from a client who had been to a Group Coaching Session at the beginning of December. Towards the end of the session this group had asked me to coach them on coping with Christmas. So we looked at how important and...
Boys will be Boys

Boys will be Boys

Linda Blair, Clinical Psychologist, wrote in Monday’s Daily Telegraph about supporting boys with depression. As a mother of three boys, the eldest being 12, it caught my eye. She wrote about the rapid increase in the number of boys being diagnosed with...
A neat definition of CONFIDENCE

A neat definition of CONFIDENCE

Following on from my blog last weekend about Radio 4’s new series, “The Confidence Trick”, I wanted to share one particular thought from that programme with you.  At the end of the first episode, an interviewee, Susan Cain, gave the most brilliant,...
“The Confidence Trick” – Radio 4, Monday 30th October

“The Confidence Trick” – Radio 4, Monday 30th October

At 8pm on Monday 30th October, Radio 4 begins a new 3 part series, “The Confidence Trick”.  Presented by Laura Barton, the programme will examine the increasingly important part confidence appears to play in modern life, at the point when so many of us are...