Hello Autumn!

Hello Autumn!

So, naively, I thought I’d have more time to share thoughts and ideas once term started – clearly not! Where is September going? Anyway, I took this photo pf couple of weeks ago at home because, quite frankly, it was just rather pretty. Also, it tied in...
Great feedback from a client

Great feedback from a client

I got back late last night from a few days on the very wonderful Lundy Island.  It’s fabulous, beautiful, unique and very, very special and we have all been restored and recharged over our short escape.  In amongst the usual dross of post was a card from a...

This is certainly what I try to do in my coaching – by listening, listening, listening and then asking questions. All sorts of questions – easy ones, obvious ones, unexpected ones, emotional ones – the whole lot. Then, together, we move forward. We...
Social Media over the School Holidays

Social Media over the School Holidays

For many of us, the long summer school holidays are looming or have started already.  Dreamy.  Or not.  Keeping our children occupied, fed, washed (I have 3 boys so this is officially a Dodgy Area) and off screens is a full time job in itself. Add to that the fact...
Temperatures rising….

Temperatures rising….

…. and for many of us, not just temperatures in the weather!  We’ve reached that part of the academic year when suddenly there just seems to be so much that must be done before the end of the academic year and probably still so much to plan and budget for...
Step by Step

Step by Step

Good morning on this gorgeous sunny day (I hope the sun is shining wherever you are reading this!), A quick post this morning because I wanted to share this brilliant quote from Richard Branson.  I follow a lot of what Richard Branson says – he takes people very...
What’s the point in WORRYING?

What’s the point in WORRYING?

Worrying – it’s something we all do, probably every day, some of us more than others.  That’s just the way it is.  BUT – so much of our worrying is unnecessary.  I’ve written before about the pneumonic FEAR: False Expectations Appearing...
Set up your boundaries!

Set up your boundaries!

All through our lives, we need boundaries.  Our childhoods are filled with them – term time, play time, bedtime, homework – and on and on.  But once we are adults, we have to take responsibilities for our own boundaries.  Why?  Because by setting...
Group Coaching Sessions Coming Up

Group Coaching Sessions Coming Up

Just to remind you all of the forthcoming Group Coaching sessions:  Wednesday 2nd May and Tuesday 22nd May.  Unfortunately I have had to postpone the session booked for 18th May but there are places on both 2nd and 22nd so do get in touch if you are interested. What...